100blooddonation blood donation donate the gift of life

The Donation Process



  • Sign in and start your eligibility assessment.
  • Don’t forget to bring your ID when you go.
  • Get familiar with blood donation process and related information

Health History

  • Provide a few answers to health history and travel questions
  • Check if you took any prescription and/or over-the-counter medications
  • Quick Check of your pulse, temperature, hemoglobin level, and blood pressure.

Your Donation

  • If you’re donating whole blood, an area on your arm will be cleaned and a brand-new sterile needle will be insert for the blood draw. 
  • Other types of donations, such as platelets, are made using an apheresis machine which will be connected to both arms.
  • A whole blood donation takes about 8-10 minutes, during which you’ll be seated comfortably or lying down.
  • When approximately a pint of whole blood has been collected, the donation is complete and a staff person will place a bandage on your arm.

Refreshment and Recovery

  • After donating blood, you’ll have a snack and something to drink in the refreshment area.
  • You’ll leave after 10-15 minutes and continue your normal routine.
  • Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment knowing you are helping to save lives.
  • Take a selfie, or simply share your good deed with friends. It may inspire them to become blood donors. 

“Congratulations! You saved up to 3 lives by making a blood donation”